Current projects

Sharing the World with Autonomous Systems: What Goes Wrong and How to Fix It (NSF)

Develop efficient algorithms for autonomous systems to characterize and actively identify the inconsistencies (e.g., in perception and decision-making) among the interacting agents and to influence the behaviors of the other agents to improve the safety of the overall system.

CAREER: Establishing Correctness of Learning-Enabled Autonomous Systems with Conflicting Requirements (NSF)

Develop specification formalisms, control synthesis algorithms, and quantitative verification frameworks for autonomous systems that include learning-based components, operate in uncertain environments, and are subject to conflicting requirements with partially established priorities.

Developing a Low Visibility Navigation System (Iowa DOT)

Develop and retrofit an existing snowplow with a suite of sensors and mapping systems along with a driver assistance interface that will guide the operator when visibility

Resource-Aware Hierarchical Runtime Verification for Mixed-Abstraction-Level Systems of Systems (NSF)

Develop runtime verification techniques that incorporate mixed-abstraction-level granularity in specifications and enable on-deadline mitigation triggering